Thursday, January 1, 2009

Lyrics - When my eyes

I've looked for the songs "When my eyes" lyrics for a long time and I found an almost full version on an Amy Winehouse forum. Check it out here! The song was written for Frank, but was cut out. It's about Chris and has the same theme as "Stronger than me" where Amy goes on about that he isn't a real man. Rough. She also sings about some of her influences like Frank Sinatra and Dinah Washington.


KG said...

I'd have to disagree i don't think it's about a guy. I think she's just talking about dreaming and how the whole world was in front of her when she closed her eyes, she could be and do anything in her imagination.

Unknown said...

I agree with KG, to an extent. But I'll go further to say that the song is about a liberating, euphoric view she had of her own death (when her eyes do close). She speaks of what ever her imagination throws, that, in my opinion was her interpretation of what heaven is to her. She goes on to discuss her musical influences, all of which has passed on. Later she speaks of riding off in a yellow Cadillac with a dark haired blue eyed stranger (another Sinatra reference?).

In the bridge of the song she talk about being "far away...", and "turning to stone" she goes on to say she sense no danger. To me, all if this signifies a peaceful feeling.

It's definitely not a dark vision. She's happy and carefree in this song. Maybe even prophetic.

This is just my take on the song.